B Tech B Eds are coming!!
You’ve heard about BA B Ed, MA B Ed. But, have you ever heard about BTech B Ed?
Well, starting this year, T government will allow B Tech and BE to apply for B Ed courses. This will enable them to obtain B Ed course and teach – hold your breath – in primary and high schools in the state.
Lack of job opportunities for the engineering stream has been a cause for concern for the policy makers and academicians alike. Thousands of B Tech and BE students are forced to work as data entry operators and even as security guards. As a result, the National Council for Teacher’s Education has allowed Engg graduates to take admission in the B Ed courses. And the results are encouraging.
This year, there are 12000 applications for ED CET maths methodology test. Of them at least 3000 are engineering student. B Tech B Eds are in demand in niche schools like corporate, international, e concept schools.