Anti-arrack activist Rosamma denied pension

Anti-arrack activist Rosamma denied pension
Do you remember Rosamma?. Perhaps, you remember if we say Dubagunta Vardhaneni Rosamma.
The 83-year-old Rosamma became a symbol of the anti-liquor agitation by organising the women of the remote village to boycott arrack shacks luring their men.
In 1991, she started her movement by resisting a local arrack contractor from unloading liquor in her village. Very soon, it was spread like a wildfire throughout the state. Later, it was picked up by late N T Rama Rao.
On Wednesday, she got shock of her life when she found that he name is missing from the list of old age pensioners.
Rosamma, who is suffering from kidney ailment since last two years, was deeply upset over removal of her name from the list.
Expressing dissatisfaction, she alleged that she has no other source of income. " My healthy condition is so bad. I have no source of income. I have only 3.40 acres of land on my name," ailing Rosamma said and requested the government to restore her pension.