Disha Bill, Capital Cities Stand Tall During AP Assembly Session

AMARAVATI : The seven-day Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly ended with a strong hint by Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy about the decentralization of development and concurrently exposing the irregularities in the capital formation by the previous government besides passing the landmark Disha Bill.
The entire state erupted with emotional surge as the Chief Minister told the Assembly that there is a possibility of having three capital cities one for legislature, the other for executive and the third for judiciary giving the names of Visakhapatnam and Kurnool for the remaining two.
With the priorities of the state government being different and more focused on welfare of the people with thrust on education, health and agriculture sectors, the whopping Rs 1.09 lakh crores budget could be put to better use than building one city with so many irregularities, was the opinion expressed by the Chief Minister.
The GN Rao led experts Committee had toured the districts and submitted the report and after studying the report and discussing the issue an announcement will be made, the Chief Minister said at the fag-end of the session before Botsa Satyanarayana wound up the discussion.
Earlier, Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath had given a powerpoint presentation in the House to establish that there was insider trading with close associates of Chandrababu Naidu and his family-run Heritage Foods buying land in large extent on the peripheries of the proposed capital city, which was announced after the deal.
The boundaries of the capital zone were changed to suit their interests while the dalits were cheated with TDP agents buying assigned lands at throwaway prices and later getting it cleared through a GO enabling them to get the benefit of land pooling.
The session has seen the passing of landmark Disha Bill which has received wide acclaim from various quarters and there were enquiries from the Delhi and Odisha governments. The Bill seeks stringent punishment to the offenders in cases of violence against women with expeditious disposal of cases in 21 working days besides setting up of dedicated courts in all 13 districts.
The House has also seen the passing of a Bill introducing English Medium from primary level. In all 16 Bills were passed in the House during the session.
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