AP capital plan draws activists'

Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh government's efforts to pool thousands of acres of land to build a green-field capital on the banks of Krishna river have come under fire from social activists and opposition parties with questions raised on the land acquisition process and whether such a model is required at all in a predominantly agrarian state.
The government last week notified the areas covering broadly 7,068 sq km as AP Capital Region in Krishna and Guntur districts and 122 sq. km as capital city with the AP Capital Region Development Authority Act, 2014 coming into being. One-third of the capital city site is irrigated multi- crop area prohibited from being acquired even for public purpose. City/commercial development is not public purpose, says M G Devasahayam, who led a fact-finding team of National Alliance of People's Movement (NAPM), a network of social activists, to some of these 29 villages identified as part of the capital region. Decisions are being taken in a clandestine and arbitrary manner and there is neither expert nor public consultation. With such a high level of population and shrinking land resources, fertile agricultural lands are precious assets essential for food security. Buildings can be built anywhere and such fertile land is God's gift that cannot be replicated by man, Devasahayam told PTI. CRDA Act makes noprovision for publichearing or consultation about theconcept master plan and detailed master plans whereaspublic consultation has been mandated for most projects, especially those impacting thousands of families. Land Acquisition Act (2013) also requires a Social Impact Assessment to be performed, he pointed out. Another rights activist said a totally urban city like Singapore cannot be a model for the capital of a predominantly agrarian state like Andhra Pradesh. Besides, India has good urban planners and designers and it is an insult to ignore them and entirely depend on a small city-state for expertise. The best alternative is to optimise land use, assemble minimum -- about 5000/6000 acres-- of un-irrigated land and utilise the latest urban planning and construction methodologies or technologies to build an administrative capital for million-plus population. Local talent and inputs can be utilised for this, adds Devasahayam, a former IAS officer who was administrator-cum- estate officer for Chandigarh in the 1970s.