
NGO demands rights for divorced fathers

22 Jun, 2014 10:06 IST
NGO demands rights for divorced fathers

Hyderabad,  Children's Rights Initiatives for Shared Parenting (CRISP), a NGO which fights for the rights of divorced fathers, has demanded immediate and equal child access to both the separated parents.

CRISP president Kumar Jahgirdar told reporters here Saturday that thousands of fathers are not allowed to see their own children let alone spending quality time with them."The child has become a bargaining tool by greedy wives to extort money and property," he said.


The Bangalore-headquartered NGO is organizing father's day here Sunday to create awareness on shared parenting and joint custody.

He said the organization was also planning to launch signature campaign across the country. It will submit a representation on the problems faced by divorced fathers to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Shah Ali, convenor of CRISP Hyderabad, said nearly five lakh children were languishing in a custody battle and their future was jeopardized.
