Hyderabad: GHMC’s Directorate of Enforcement Vigilance & Disaster Management (EV&DM) imposed a ₹1-lakh fine on Telugu film actor Mohan Babu for putting up unauthorized advertisement posters of movies on the walls of his residence at Filmnagar. The illegal hoarding was pointed out to the GHMC by netizens over social media platforms. The hoarding outside the actor’s residence had four posters of different movies.
The hoardings outside the actor’s residence had four posters of different movies. The illegal hoarding was pointed out to the GHMC by Twitter users. They were pointed out by a Twitter user identified as @Triveni_pervar to a city-based anti-corruption activist Vijay Gopal who then tagged the EV&DM highlighting the illegal hoardings.
The GHMC Act, 1955 prohibits commercial shops from erecting advertising boards and hoardings that are beyond the permissible size and format in the public places within the limits of GHMC.
A notice from GHMC stated that there was a violation as the unauthorized advertisement element was above 15-feet in height from ground level. "The erection of advertisement element, displaying or mounting or painting an advertisement, use of flashing lights or non-static illumination, having the size of the advertisement or name board exceeding 15% of the frontage of the building, use of moving, rotating or variable message advertising device, operating an advertisement without valid Structural Stability Certificate is an offense committed under GHMC Act and as per G.O.Ms. No. 68," the notice said.
Earlier this week, officials of the GHMC levied a fine of Rs 50,000 on Pista House Bakery at Charminar for using non-static illumination or flashy lights for its name board. This fine, too, was levied after a Twitter user pointed out the use of bright LED lights for banners that pose threat for motorists at night.
The EV&DM had also fined a man Rs 4.35 lakh for putting up illegal hoardings and advertisements of the newly elected Hyderabad Mayor Gadwal Vijayalakshmi. Five challans were issued for the unauthorized erection of banners and cutouts of the politician.