
Hyderabad: Crime Against Women Increased By 11%

28 Dec, 2020 14:19 IST

Crime rate in Rachakonda decreased by 12 per cent in 2020 when compared to 2019. Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat said on Monday that, "Property offences reduced by 16% and 53% recovery, white collar offences decreased by 11%, crime against women increased by 11%." Speaking at the annual press conference, Bhagwat said that in 2020 police faced new challenges including the coronavirus pandemic and floods in October.

Here are the other details.

NDPS cases - 25 Gaming act cases - 46 Human trafficking cases - 41 Sand theft cases - 17 Gutka cases - 25 Excise cases - 202  PDS rice cases - 105

A total 163 brothels, gaming and other establishments sealed under Rachakonda Commisionerate. 299 property cases have been detected by CCS rachakonda and 892 cases detected by SOT Rachakonda.
