
Lack of Oxygen Kills 12 Critical COVID Patients at Batra Hospital Delhi

2 May, 2021 10:39 IST

The second wave of COVID-19 seems to be going from bad to worse in India. Many of them are losing their life due to a lack of beds and oxygen cylinders in Hospitals. In Delhi's Batra Hospital, 12 COVID patients including a doctor died on Saturday afternoon after the hospital faced storage of oxygen cylinders for over 1 hour 20 minutes.

According to some sources, the deceased COVID patients were in the ICU and in the critical stage and the stoppage of oxygen supply killed them. The doctor who died has been identified as DR R.K HImathani,  the head of the gastroenterology unit.


The hospital ran out of oxygen at 11.45 am and supply came at 1.35 pm as the second tanker reached at around 4 pm. Around 230 patients were without oxygen for around 80 minutes, where the hospital has 327 patients out of which 48 are in the critical care unit, the hospital told the High Court.

Batra Hospital Medical Director S.C.L. Gupta said that the Delhi government is trying to help but believes their tanker was far away from the hospital. Adding he says that it is an extremely helpless situation to see patients die for lack of oxygen supply. "We tried putting cylinders, but that can only help for a while. One and a half hours without oxygen is a long time," he said.

Taking note of all submissions made by Batra Hospital and other hospitals, the High court directed the central government to ensure Delhi receives its allocated 490 Metric Tonnes (MT) of oxygen supply today “by whatever means”.  
