A Complete Guide on UAE Court Marriage
There are certain requirements which have to be met prior to becoming eligible for marriage. You'll have to be a UAE resident, for instance, prior to having a court marriage in UAE. Also, since UAE is Islamic, a Muslim man can’t marry a woman that isn’t Muslim unless there is proof that the latter has successfully converted into Islam.
Requirements for UAE Court Marriage
In order to have a court marriage in UAE, a couple generally has to product the following:
Birth certificate; Marital status certificate – approved by home country of couple or each party’s MOFA; Consent of the bride to the court marriage; If the parties to a marriage are in Dubai, then one party, at the very least (wife of legal guardian, wife, or husband), has to possess a UAE resident visa; Bride and groom that live in other emirates have to provide a proof of residency in UAE; Premarital health screening certificate issued by the Health Authority in place or Emirate of residence of the couple or bride and groomProcess of Islamic Marriage in UAE
Passports and other national identification documents of the bridegroom and bride; Passport size pictures of the bride and the bridegroom Baptism certificate will be required also to declare that parties aren’t Muslims; Residency permit from one of the partiesTake note: all the documents that are furnished to local authorities have to be original. Groom and bride both have to be provide translations that are official and notarized if the documents are written in another language. The couple also has to fill out a form for intent to marry.
Process of Hindu Marriage in UAE
This is only for Indian citizens. It’s conducted at the Maharaj, ran together by the Indian consulate. A marriage that is performed here is recognized by UAE authorities. For a Hindu marriage in UAE, both parties are to be Hindu and residents of UAE. Documents that are required are as follows:
Correct and completed application forms for marriage Passport copies of bride and groom Passport copies of bride and groom’s parents or legal guardians Attested affidavit from Indian embassy stating both parties being free to marryIf you want to know more about how to get married in UAE, we suggest you call family and marriage lawyers in UAE like HHS Lawyers.
An Islamic marriage can involve a Muslim groom and a bride that is Muslim, Jewish or Christian; however, the bride has to convert into Islam, as mentioned earlier. If the bride and groom are both on visit visas, then they have to undergo medical examinations prior for the marriage to take place.
A marriage is performed within a Sharia Court which covers the personal affairs of citizens and residents. No appointment is required, plus the process is quite simple; however, rules have to be followed and requirements have to be complete.
For an Islamic marriage in UAE, the father or legal guardian of the bride, the bridegroom, and the bride, all have to be present. There is also a need for two male witnesses to be present, and they both have to be Muslim.
In order to authenticate a marriage certificate, the following steps have to be followed:
Have a judge review the document. If they are in order, the judge will declare the validity of the marriage certificate and then the couple pays the fee for processing and receive the marriage certificate Court-issued marriage certificate is then taken to the UAE Ministry of Justice. This is where the seal of the court notary and signatures on the certificate are authenticated For marriage certificates that were issued abroad, the documents have to be taken to the Ministry/Dept of Foreign Affairs where the seal of the Ministry of Justice will be authenticatedProcess of Anglican Marriage in UAE
Anglican wedding ceremonies are recognized by the government of the UAE. The ministers of the Anglican Church marry people as well at other locations. A couple is advised to inform the embassy of their country/countries on the intent to get married.
For an Anglican marriage in UAE, the couple has to be non-Muslim, over 18 years of age, and at least one of the parties has to be a Dubai resident. The basic documents that are required are as follows:
Proof that the couple is free to marry. The letter has to state that the Anglican couple is single, never been married, and unmarried. It also has to be attested by the embassy of the couple’s home country in UAE; A death certificate has to be furnished if either party to the Anglican marriage is a widow/widower/divorcee;