
5 Ways To Energise Your Yoga Practice This February

2 Feb, 2023 12:44 IST
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

By Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar
Founder: Akshar Yoga Institutions, Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organisation

Yoga Walk/ Siddha Walk


Siddha walk is also known by other names like Infinity walk, yoga walk, and mind walk. It is an ancient yogic practice that gives you innumerable benefits for the mind body and soul. You need to walk in the figure of 8 first from south to north direction and then change the direction for the next round. It needs to be done for 21 minutes in both directions.

Siddho Hum Kriya

 There are 5 steps to practising the Siddho Hum Abhyas, the Disha (direction) to face is east. This practice is ideal when done during sunrise, and each step is to be held for 1 minute.

Samasthithi – I am part of this existence, and I exist eternally in the past, present, and the future.

Formation of the posture

·Keep your feet together

·Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

·Keep your arms beside, and extend them slightly away from your body

·Keep your palms turned outward

·Gently close your eyes

·Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Softly inhale and exhale in natural breathing

Pranam – Bow down to the Universe for all your blessings

Formation of the posture

·Begin with Samasthithi

·Join your palms in front of your chest in such a manner that your elbows are aligned with your wrists.

·Gently close your eyes and bow down

Breathing Methodology Inhale as you join your palms and exhale as you bow down

 Pukar Stithi – Prayer asking the Universe for energy, knowledge

Formation of the posture

·Keep your feet together

·Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

·Stretch your arms up straight and spreading them at a 45 degree angle and turn your palms inward

·Gently close your eyes

·Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Inhale as you raise your arms up and continue natural breathing of inhale and exhale

 Prapti Stithi

Formation of the posture

·Keep your feet together

·Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

·Stretch your arms out forward in front of your chest turning your palms upward in the shape of a cup or a container

·Gently close your eyes

·Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Inhale and exhale naturally

Kritagyata – Offering your gratitude for what you received

Formation of the posture

·Keep your feet together

·Stand with your spine aligned and in an erect posture

·Place your palms on your heart

·Gently close your eyes

·Relax the body

Breathing Methodology Inhale as you raise your arms up and continue natural breathing of inhale and exhale

Conclusion – Silent meditation in self-observation of the experience, offering gratitude for what you received

Himalaya Pranam

·Start in Pranamasana with feet together

·Holding pranam, bend half down with your upper body to Samakonasana

·Straighten to Pranamasana, opening your feet to hip-width distance. Inhale and bend back to Hastha Uthasana

·Exhale hold your ankles with your palms

·Walk your palms forward and lie down on your stomach in Advasana

·Inahle and lift up both your legs, and palms holding pranam to Shalabsana

·Exhale lie down, and push back to Adomukhiswanasana

·Walk your palms back to Padahasthasana

·Holding Pranam, bend back to Hastha Uthasana

·Exhale, and bend half down with your upper body to Samakonasana... Straighten to Pranamasana

 Bheej Dhyan/ Aarambh Dhyan

Seed Meditation controls and transforms this automatic response system that lies within you through the following steps:


·Sit in any comfortable seated position such as Sukhasana, Ardha Padamasana, Padamasana, or Vajrasana

·Keep your spine erect and gently close your eyes

·Hold Siddhamudra in your seated meditative pose

·Imagine and visualize two holes- one black and one white in front of you.

·The Black Hole is a powerful force of suction which only takes from you, and the white hole radiates strong, and dynamic positive energies.

·The White Hole is powerful and contains the energies equivalent to a billion suns.

·Begin with an Exhale and send out emotions such as pain, doubt, guilt, shame, trauma, anger, sorrow, envy, negativity into the black hole that you have visualized

·There is a pause between the inhalation and the exhalation. This pause is a very important part of the process

·In this pause, whenever you exhale, feel that you have emptied all this destructive emotions or thoughts into the black hole.

·Inhale and gather energy from the white hole. This energy will consist of new ways of thinking, new ideas, transformative habits or behaviour that contribute to your growth.

·When you inhale the powerful positive energies, these are like seeds that you are sowing into your mind. Use the pause after you Inhale to sow these seeds

·You will feel a vibration after many rounds of inhaling and exhaling. Slow down your breathing at this point

·You will visualize many wonderful things

·Practice this for at least 100-200 times a day for 3-4 weeks to perfect this meditation technique

·Once perfected, you can use it at times whenever you want and wherever you want

Nutrition for the body and the mind

Your diet has a significant impact on both your physical and emotional health. Healthy foods like fresh home-cooked meals, fruits, and veggies will make you feel content and nourish you. Your mind and body benefit from the same things.

Also Read: Yoga Practices To Increase The Earth Element 
