
Even Chinese like Narendra Modi!

27 Aug, 2020 16:03 IST

Well! This may look quite surprising and even shocking to many. But, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is popular even in China. Yes. This info has to be authentic as it comes from Chinese government’s global mouthpiece called Global Times. According to a survey conducted inside China, many Chinese like Modi.

The survey says that Modi is liked by Chinese more than they like some of their local leaders.  It also said that they like his working style.


Another important finding is that at least 50 per cent of the Chinese respondents feel Modi is a good leader. Also, 70 per cent of the Chinese said that there is a strong anti-Chinese sentiment in India and at least 30 per cent hoped that the indo-China relations would improve soon.

India and China are passing through a phase of turbulence in their relations in view of the Chinese incursions in the Galwan Valley, Depsang plains and Chumar region of the Ladakh. The Galwan clashes led to the death of 15 Indian jawans and an unspecified number of Chinese soldiers.
