Tollywood's ace producer and Film Development Corporation (FDC) Chairman Dil Raju responded to KTR's comments. Dil Raju said, "The comments made by former Minister KTR regarding the meeting with Honorable Telangana Chief Minister, Revant Reddy, are deeply upsetting."
"It is well-known that the meeting with the Chief Minister was not a private conversation between just a few individuals. The discussion on the well-being of the Telugu film industry was held in an open, cordial manner, without any hidden agendas, and the Telugu film industry is very satisfied with how it transpired.
In the meeting, the Chief Minister acknowledged the Telugu film industry's role in the development of Telangana and expressed his desire for us to extend the necessary support for the state's progress and social welfare.
We, as representatives of the Telugu film industry, welcomed the Chief Minister’s strong resolve to turn Hyderabad into a global entertainment hub.
We humbly request that the Telugu film industry not be dragged into unnecessary controversies or political arguments that have no place in our field.
We urge everyone to refrain from using the industry for political attacks or counterattacks.
The Telugu film industry, which provides livelihoods to millions, has always received support from various governments, and we hope that encouragement and cooperation from both the government and the public will continue," said Dil Raju.