Tollywood actor Subbaraju Penmetsa, who is popular for his role in Baahubali, Pokiri and many other films, is the latest to join the bandwagon. Subbaraju joined the wedding club of Tollywood. Subbaraju has surprised everyone by unexpectedly posting his wedding photo with Sravanthi. Sharing a picture of himself in a wedding outfit near the beach, he finally revealed that he had gotten married.
Following this, Subbaraju has been receiving congratulatory messages from netizens and film personalities. Everything seems fine, but the big question remains: Who is the bride Sravanthi? Subbaraju has yet to disclose her identity. From the looks of it, it seems like a marriage arranged by the elders. Regardless, it’s quite interesting that he chose to marry at the age of 47.
Hailing from Bhimavaram, Subbaraju Penmetsa is originally a software engineer. One day, he went to director Krishna Vamsi's house for a computer repair job, and that’s how he ended up becoming an actor. He entered the industry in 2003 and has since acted in numerous films across Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi languages. While he initially played villain roles early in his career, in recent years, he has been entertaining audiences with comic roles.