
JEE Main 2021 Paper 2 Results Declared: Check Direct Link to Download Scores

6 Oct, 2021 15:27 IST

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main 2021) paper 2 results were released by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

JEE Main 2021: On October 5, the National Testing Agency (NTA) released the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main 2021) paper 2 results on the official website. To obtain the results, students will need to provide their application form number and date of birth.

JEE Main 2021 Result: Direct Link


The JEE Main BArch and B Planning results have been released for around 60,000 students. The B Tech results have already been issued by the NTA.

How to Check the JEE Main 2021 Exam Result

Visit this link or use the above-mentioned direct link. Scroll down to the "JEE Main 2021 paper 2 result" link on the homepage. On the screen, a new login window will display. Enter your application number, birth date, and security pin. Select ‘Submit' from the drop-down menu. On the screen, the JEE Main result 2021 paper 2 will be displayed. Check the result and save it. Make a copy for yourself to keep for future reference.

NTA has also issued the students' subject-wise results, total scores, and All-India ranks (AIR) along with the JEE Main paper 2 results 2021.
