
PRC Issue: AP Employees Call Off Strike Temporarily

17 Dec, 2021 12:59 IST

VIJAYAWADA: The AP JAC and Employee Union leaders have called of their strike temporarily over the implementation Pay Revision Commission (PRC) report and other issues, after they were given assurances by the state government to resolve all issues in a phased manner. After holding discussions for the fourth day in a row with the Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath, Chief Secretary Dr. Sameer Sharma and Finance Secretary Shashi Bhushan Kumar on Thursday about the PRC  and other grievances of the employees, they arrived at a consensus that steps would be taken to resolve the pending issues. Discussions were held separately with the delegation of the two JACs, the Secretariat Employees Union and the Government Employees Association. The trade union leaders have brought to the notice of the government that there were 71 pending demands and many of these demands are non-financial.

The Finance Minister explained to the unions that not all problems could be solved in one day and many problems were long overdue. The unions responded positively to the Finance Minister's assurance that holding meetings and negotiations with the unions was an ongoing process and that the AP Govt would continue to work towards a solution. The government has said it will call for talks again on Wednesday next week on non-financial issues with them and the chief secretaries. The Finance Minister and the Chief Secretary gave them an assurance that they will hold a wide-ranging meeting with the secretaries of all the departments and the leaders of the trade unions to discuss issues and find a solution to the problems. The Chief Secretary stated they were working on the PRC implementation and plan to settle the matter at the earliest.


Speaking to the media after the meeting, Buggana Rajendranath said that the government was acting in a positive direction towards a solution to address the problems of the employees. There was a considerable delay due to the COVID pandemic, however, we will work to address 71 issues in a phased manner at the request of the unions, he said. Negotiations can bring good results when they are conducted in a congenial atmosphere. Employees are also part of the Government as a family, he said. We have requested the nine associations and two JACs to withdraw the agitation to which they agreed, he informed.

K Venkatarami Reddy, President Ap Secretariat Employees Union said that after discussing with Finance Minister and Chief Secretary we requested them to resolve the pending issues. There has been a positive response from the government’s side, he said. We have appealed to the government to increase the number of posts in the Secretariat. We have also brought to the notice of the Government the 11 points relating to the employees of the AP Secretariat and 85 points relating to the AP Government ‌ Employees Federation. We requested them to lift the suspension of three employees in the Finance Department along with filling the vacant ASVs and stenographer posts, complete the probation and declaration of employees in village and ward secretariats as soon as possible,  and also for the implementation of job chart for grade-5 secretaries and direct granting of grade-1VRVO to those who have been promoted from VRA to VRVO. We have also requested the Government to grant housing sites for  Secretariat employees and government employees and grant 50 acres of land at the District Headquarters apart from other demands.

Also Read: PRC Implementation Keeping In Mind State's Economy: Sajjala Ramakrishna
