Abandoned suitcases create flutter in AP Bhavan

Abandoned suitcases create flutter in AP Bhavan

It's a case of overreaction after the Hyderabad twin blasts as people are more conscious about the things happening around them.
Two abandoned suitcases created commotion at AP Bhavan in New Delhi on Friday. On information, the bomb squad reached the spot and opened the suitcase. The officials heaved a sigh of relief as they found only cloths in both the suitcases. It is felt that it was a mischief done by some unidentified persons.
In another incident, a tiffin box drew the attention of local people after high alert sounded in Vijayawada. Police launched massive searches in the vulnerable and busy areas. The tiffin box kept at Singhnagar area made the people to jump to conclusion that a bomb was planted in the box. The police reached the area and found no bomb in it.