AP Elections 2024: Survey Predicts YS Jagan's Sweep

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As Andhra Pradesh is set to witness the battle of Kurukrshetra between the ruling YSRCP and the TDP-BJP-JanaSena on Monday, the mood of the state clearly shows that chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is set to win the elections with a two-third majority. 

Reinforcing the public sentiment towards the ruling party, polling survey agency Elecsense has predicted a massive victory for the YSRCP. According to the pollster CM Jagan’s party will secure 124 assembly seats and TDP alliance will be restricted to a mere 51 seats while Sharmila-led Congress would remain a non-starter in this election too. 

The pre-poll survey done between April 15 and May 6 shows that the YSRCP will get a vote share of 49.46 percent, TDP+ to get 46.12 percent vote share and the Indian National Congress (INC) to gain a little over 1 percent vote share in the May 13 polls. 

Giving a breakup of its sample size of 92,750 respondents, Elecsense noted that YSRCP will sweep the elections across Uttarandhra, Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions. The ruling party has been predicted to face a ‘close fight’ in a handful of seats in these regions. 

The survey stated that the rural areas are fully supportive of YSRCP’s welfare agenda and will vote for the party to keep the welfare schemes going. Notable feature of this survey is that 52.38 percent women voters wish to see the CM YS Jagan back in the seat of power. Similarly, voters from the marginalized communities and minority communities would play a key role in the victory of ruling YSRCP in the elections next week. 

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