US Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban

US President Donald Trump - Sakshi Post

Snigdha Raju

In a historical ruling, the US Supreme court uphold the Trump Travel Ban on some Muslim countries with unstable governments.

This decision is a big win for the President, Donald Trump as he came to power by propagating the ideology of ‘zero tolerance’ towards illegal immigrants and his policy of meritorious immigration.

The 5-4 ruling ends the fight as to whether it represents a Muslim ban, and proves the president’s power in immigration laws. The US Supreme Court upheld the ban as it is constitutional, and said that Trump’s proclamation falls “well within” the federal law’s delegation of authority to the president. The White House called the ruling as a "tremendous victory for the American people and the Constitution."

"This ruling is also a moment of profound vindication following months of hysterical commentary from the media and Democratic politicians who refuse to do what it takes to secure our border and our country," Trump said.

This third version of the travel ban, restricts entry from seven countries to varying degrees: Iran, North Korea, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Venezuela. Chad, which was originally on the list, was recently removed after having met baseline security requirements.

This decision is said to promote US National security by suspending the entry of those countries which have either state sponsors of terrorism or pose other national security threats. This is a move to prevent extremism from entering America. It is misrepresented as a Muslim ban as it does not affect a majority of Muslims.

Although states like Hawaii claimed that the decision was ‘religiously biased’, the high court stated that it is neutral and does not show any hostility to religion.

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